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        1. 2020每日更新国产精品视频,2020年最新国产精品正在播放,2020秋霞网在线新版入口

          External Exchange

          Bataille Richar, President of European Healthcare Management and Daragon Herve, Medical Director of French Curon Creek Hospital visited Henan Honliv Hospital on March 28th,2012.
          On Dec.10th 2011, the Honliv Hospital leaders visited the Mayo clinic in the U.S.A.
          In May 2011, the company leaders visited Holland.
          On Oct.21th 2010, the delegation of Holland visited Honliv Hospital.
          On May.13th 2010, the company leaders attended the China and France Medical Emergency Seminar.
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          Henan Honliv group Co., LTD, network management system, all rights reserved Prepare for 05017868 ICP
